Let me get this straight,
Rod Blagojevich presided over the swearing in of the new Illinois State Senate, next week that same Senate will preside over his impeachment.
A New Jersey couple just had their son Adolf Hitler Cambel taken away from them by Children's Services. Children's Services claim it's not because of the child's name, but won't disclose why they took the couples three children.
President Elect Obama's choice to be Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, is being investigated for Tax Fraud.
The Big Three Automakers, who just got a multi Billion dollar bailout of tax payer money, are lobbing Congress to raise the fuel tax to boost sales of smaller cars that they have to make because it's one of the conditions imposed by Congress for the bailout money.
The Pope plans to release guidelines to authenticate sighting of the Virgin Mary.
And a Man in California called police to help him get his 14-year-old daughter back from the man he SOLD her to, because the man missed a payment.
When did Rod Serling start running reality?