Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ashamed to be a Conservative?

The conservative party of NY has on issued a Legislative Alert to tell New York Governor Paterson to uphold New York States Law on Cigarette Excise tax on Native Americans.

Not even getting into where the Nation of Native American's should or legally stand on their Reservations, I have a REAL problem with this!

If you take this entire issue down to the basics what the Conservative Party has asked the Governor to do is to insure fairness (i.e. equality) by limiting liberty (i.e. freedom).

Hey guys, is this not a Liberal stance? Why are we not fighting to help the Native American's keep their liberties and limit the control of Government?

The issue that Conservatives should be concerned about is that, once again, New York State has TAXED it's own industries out of a competitive advantage.

How as conservatives can we possibly think the proper course of action is to INCREASE A TAX BURDEN to make things more fair?

This issue has taken us away from our core beliefs as conservatives. Let us refocus on the real issues here and work to limit government and stop taxing ourselves and our industries out of existence!

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