Monday, December 8, 2008

The Feel Good Philosophy of Failure

One of the hardest things about being a Conservative Republican is being hated, loathed and constantly made out to be the bad guy. Now I know how doctor feel.

Think about it. We as a society have become an emotional, feel good driven people.

How often do we do things just because it instantly satisfies our feelings? And how often are those things good for us? We want something sweet, we eat ice-cream. Given the choice between mashed potatoes smothered in gravy or rice with steamed eggplant, we take the artery clogging potatoes and gravy.

And we don’t do it just for ourselves; we feel the need to do it for everyone. Why look, the poorest of Americans cannot afford to buy their own home. We must make sure that there is a government sponsored program that helps them buy a house.

We conservatives are the ones who advocate not eating the ice-cream. We conservatives are the ones who said changing reality to allow the poorest of Americans buy a house is not a good idea. And we are hated for both.

It all comes down to consequences and results. Consequence is a four-letter-word now days. And results are no longer as important as intentions.

Someone gets heart disease from eating too much ice-cream and it’s the fault of the ice-cream manufacture. The U.S. economy goes into the toilet and greedy Wall-Street is to blame.

Pointing out that the heart disease victim had a choice of what to eat makes you unsympathetic and cold. Laying blame on the good intentions of mandatory government sponsored loan policies gets turned into accusations of Racism and Class-Warfare.

How do we respond to that?

We can do what many of our so called Conservative elected officials are doing, join the Liberals and try to make the irresponsible feel-good decisions they champions a little less destructive. Playing by the bi-partisan rules they so artfully created (that means sacrificing our ideals and beliefs).

Or perhaps we can take a page out of the past, a page out of Ronald Regan’s book. Educate Fight and Win!

I find it amusing that all the people Regan crushed are now claiming that the Regan Republicans are dead. That they cannot win elections anymore, that those ideas should be left behind and not tried again.

The enemy has a weak run defense and they are telling us, to beat them, we need to abandon the run and pass more.

The one thing that Liberalism and Socialism can never stand on is their results. That’s the one thing Conservatives can always stand on and win with.

Or is it just me?

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