Oh really? Perhaps then the Senator could offer us a reasonable explanation as to why someone who wants to be President of the United States of America associates with an unrepentant radical and terrorist like Bill Ayers.
Maybe we should focus on his association with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright?
Nope, can’t do that either according to Biden. The VP hopeful feels that it’s ‘unheathy’.
Question is, unhealthy to whom? It’s not good for Obama, that’s for sure. By the way Joe, it’s also not really healthy to respond to ‘attack ads’ without using facts disprove them. Makes people think you are scared of them…
One last thought Joe, you say that if McCain attacks Obama on his associations with Ayers and Wright during the Wednesday October 15th debate he “will regret for the rest of his life having an incredible career getting cast aside.” I wonder which the American people will regret more; McCain attacking Obama or Obama as President of the United States.
Almost makes you wish for a Clinton.
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