Woke up this morning and for some reason I was not physically ill. The morning after Bill Clinton was elected President I was sick to my stomach. So why with Barrack Obama am I not ill? Clearly he’s going to be a lot worse than Bill. And he’s got a Congress packed with Democrats who will be falling all over themselves to get every leftwing Marxist piece of legislation passed that they possibly can as fast as they possibly can. And there is nothing we can do about it for at least two years.
Ah, there is the rub. Now, after 8 years, finally, we cannot be blamed for anything. No more it’s George Bushes fault. No more excuses for the Democrats. It’s put up or shut up time.
Another Hurricane hit’s the gulf coast and the evacuation does not get pulled off properly. Call the Democrats.
The Hurricane destroys a gulf coast city and the aid isn’t instant and perfect. It’s because Barrack Obama doesn’t like black people. Call the Democrats.
The price of everything goes up and un-employment hits 15% as U.S. companies relocate overseas. Call the Democrats.
The U.S. fails to follow through on its drill-here-drill-now promise and the price of gas goes back up to $5 a gallon. Call the Democrats.
We have an increase of violence in the Middle East and have to commit more troops. Call the Democrats.
The U.S.A. fails to halt Iran’s nuke program and on the 11th hour Israel protects itself with a first strike that wipes Iran off the map. Call the Democrats.
The price of everything goes up and un-employment hits 15% as U.S. companies relocate overseas. Call the Democrats.
In two years when Congress and the President have a combined approval rating of 4 percent, it will be time for us to step up and fix the mess. So, No, Obama as President does not scare me much. The American people will not tolerate a Socialist agenda for long.
I foresee a lot of infighting in the Democrat party.
George C. Scott playing General Patton said it best, ‘the idea of losing is hateful to Americans.’ If Obama pulls out of Iraq we lose and the world will hate us. If he doesn’t his own supporters will hate him.
Obama doesn’t have to worry about re-election for four years, half of Congress and one third of the Senate have only two years. They need him to fix the economy and be popular. Between Biden’s promise of a botched world crisis and the simple fact that Obama’s policies are incapable of fixing the economy, everyone up for re-election will have to fight him if they want to keep their jobs.
And in four year, once he’s lost control of Congress and the Senate, and America has had four years to learn who this guy is (they didn’t know who he was when they voted for him), he is doomed to fall.
All this of course is based on the Republicans fighting him. I mean really fighting him, tooth and nail, educating the American people the whole time and actually running Conservatives, not reach-across-the-isle moderates like John McCain. No Obama does not scare me, the Republicans screwing things up again scares me.
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